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In Review
Phillis, C.C., J.W. Moore, M.P. Beakes, C. Favaro, H.K. Nesbitt, E.P. Palkovacs, G.R. Pess. “Restoration of anadromy: recovering lost migratory behavior in coastal fishes.”
Phillis C.C. & J.W. Moore. “Dam evolution: an individual-based model of the evolution of anadromy in a steelhead/rainbow trout population.”
Phillis C.C., D.E. Pearse, S.A Hayes, A.B. Cooper, J.W. Moore. “Density-mediated effects of rapid evolution on stream ecosystems.”
In Print
Johnson, R.C., J.G. Garza, R.B. MacFarlane, C.B. Grimes, C.C. Phillis, P.L. Koch, P.K. Weber, M.H. Carr. 2016. “Isotopes and genes reveal freshwater origins of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) aggregations in California’s coastal ocean.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 548 181:196.
Phillis, C.C, J.W. Moore, M. Buoro, S.A. Hayes, J.C. Garza, and D.E. Pearse. 2016. “Shifting thresholds: rapid evolution of migratory life histories in steelhead/rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.” Journal of Heredity 107(1) 51:60.
Moore J.W., M.P. Beakes, H.K. Nesbitt, J.D. Yeakel, D.A. Patterson, L.A. Thompson, C.C. Phillis, D.C. Braun, C. Favaro, D. Scott, C. Carr-Harris, W Atlas. 2015. “Emergent stability in a large free-flowing watershed.” Ecology 96:340–347.
Moore, J.W., T.D. Lambert, W.N. Heady, S.E. Honig, A-M.K. Osterback, C.C. Phillis, A.L. Quiros, N.A. Retford, D.B. Herbst. 2014. “Anthropogenic land-use signals propagate through stream food webs in a California, USA, watershed.” Limnologica 46: 124–130.
Favaro, B., D.C. Braun, Earth2Ocean Research Derby. 2013. “The ‘Research Derby’: a pressure cooker for creative and collaborative science.” Ideas in Ecology and Evolution 6 (1).
Phillis, C.C.*, S.M. O’Regan*, S.J. Green*, J.E.B. Bruce*, S.C. Anderson, J.N. Linton, Earth2Ocean Research Derby, B. Favaro. “Multiple pathways to conservation success.” Conservation Letters. 6(2): 98-106.
(*Authors contributed equally, listed in reverse alphabetical order) -
Phillis, C.C., D.J. Ostrach, B.L. Ingram, P.K. Weber. 2011. “Evaluating otolith Sr/Ca as a tool for reconstructing estuarine habitat use.” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68 (2): 360–73.